
Ted Sheldon

Ted Sheldon
2020-2022 Associate Fellow

Ted started his work career following completion of a Bachelor of Science in Human Performance at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (1980), teaching and directing employee fitness and lifestyle programs in Victoria, British Columbia and Calgary, Alberta. With a focus on community sustainability in his Masters of Public Administration, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (1994), Ted has dedicated his subsequent 27-year work career with the Province of British Columbia developing an understanding of, and support for, local government sustainability, clean energy and climate action, culminating his public service on climate action with the B.C. Ministry of Environment’s (12 years) and on clean energy with the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines (3 years). Ted received: the Capital Regional District’s 2004 EcoStar Award for Climate Change; the Queen’s Royal Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013 for his support to Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Partners in Climate Protection; and the BC Community Energy Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 for his longstanding support of BC local governments.

As Senior Clean Energy Advisor for the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (2015-2018), Ted: supported Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund team in 3-year, $40 million partnership with Sustainable Technology Development Canada (SDTC) to identify pre-commercial clean technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; distributed monthly ‘Clean Energy and Communities’ e-newsletters; initiated the provincial government’s Clean Technology Practitioners’ Network (CTPN), the Clean Energy Leadership Program (CELP) for BC local governments and First Nations, and the province’s involvement in the National Industrial Symbiosis Program (NISP; circular economy) pilot; and undertook dedicated program reviews and renewable energy technology scans.

Ted continues to work on sustainability-related issues including solutions to the Paris Agreement & IPCC disconnect; One Planet Cities & UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).