
Charlotte Schallié

Charlotte Schallié
2018 Former Co-Director
EUS Program
Office: Clearihue D250

Charlotte Schallié is currently the Department Chair for the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies where she is also a Professor. She received her PhD in 2004 from the University of British Columbia. Her teaching and research interests include post-1945 diasporic and transcultural writing/filmmaking, memory studies, Jewish identity in contemporary cultural discourse, and teaching and learning about the Holocaust (HTL).

In her current SSHRC-funded research project —“Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education,” her team is developing a new dialogical-reflective pedagogy in Holocaust and Human Rights education fostering broad and deep collaborations and intercultural exchange between researchers, visual artists, Holocaust survivors, librarians, students, and community members in Canada, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, and the UK. The joint project will supplement and expand current educational materials providing new digital-interactive capabilities for the use of Holocaust-themed graphic novels.

Together with Agnes Hirschi, Charlotte co-published a that retraces Swiss Vice-Consul Carl Lutz’s diplomatic rescue efforts based on individual survivor testimonies from 1944 and 1945.

 Carl Lutz’s Rescue Mission in WWII. CBC News: . 28 May 2018.