
Bernard Duhaime

Bernard Duhaime
2018-2019 Visiting Scholar

Bernard Duhaime

Bernard Duhaime is Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law and Political
Science of the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM, Montreal, Canada), where he
teaches mainly international human rights law and specializes on the Inter-American
System of Protection of Human Rights. He also serves as a Member and President-
Rapporteur of the Working group on enforced or involuntary disappearances reporting to
the United Nations Human Rights Council. Bernard Duhaime is a Fellow of the Pierre
Elliott Trudeau Foundation (2017-2021).

Pr Duhaime contributes to the defense and promotion of human rights since 1996. He has
worked or collaborated with several international and national human rights agencies,
advised many human rights and indigenous peoples’ organizations, and human rights
defenders, as well as international organizations and States. He regularly represents or
assists victims and human rights defenders in contentious cases before international
institutions. He founded the Clinique Internationale de Défense des Droits Humains de
l’UQAM and was its first director.

Pr Duhaime has authored more than fifty publications and presented more than one hundred
communications world wide. In Quebec, Pr Duhaime is a member of various research
centers such as the Centre d’Étude sur le Droit International et la Mondialisation (UQAM)
and the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité au Québec (UQAM) and the
Centre d’Études Interaméricaines (Laval University).

Bernard Duhaime was a Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Chair in Public Diplomacy at the
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, United States), as well as a Visiting
Scholar at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University (NYU
School of Law, New York, United States), a Visiting Fellow at the European University
Institute (Florence, Italy), a Visiting Fellow at the Human Rights Program of the Harvard
Law School (Cambridge, United States) and a Visiting researcher at the Centro de Estudios
en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información (CELE) at the Faculty of Law of
Palermo University (Buenos Aires, Argentina).