
Marila Lazaro

Marila Lazaro
2017-2018 Former Visiting Research Fellow

Mariila is a biologist (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and Phd in Philosophy, Science and Society (Basque Country University, España). Her participatory-action research focuses on the development and assesment of inter and transdisciplinary methodologies. Specifically, my interest lies in citizen involvement in scientific and environmental policies.

During the Fall semester of 2017, Marila finalised the Citizen Deliberation on Water Project (), which she has been involved in for the last year. This project consisted in organising a process of national discussion on the "National Water Plan" drafted by the Uruguayan government. The objectives of the project were mainly: a) to create a Citizen Panel of non-experts and stakeholders to analyze the National Water Plan, and b) to collect and analyse all the contributions, suggestions and criticisms that arise in the discussion of this Plan (both those collected within the scope of the Citizen Panel as well as those obtained from academics and through the participatory governance meetings held by the Watershed Commissions and Regional Council).