
Dr. Tom Gleeson

Dr. Tom  Gleeson
2017-2018 Former Faculty Fellow

Tom Gleeson is Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at UVic and CFGS’s 2017-2018 Faculty Fellow. He received his PhD from Queen’s University, Eng.L. and moved west to climb mountains, study geology and work as a consulting hydrogeologist. As a hydrogeologist, he is interested in groundwater sustainability, regional- to continental-scale groundwater systems, groundwater-surface water interactions and fluid flow around geologic structures.

He fits well at CFGS with our encouragement of interdisciplinarity and applies a variety of research interests by integrating disciplines that are not often combined: field methods, numerical modeling, environmental chemistry, structural geology, GIS and policy studies.

To learn more about Tom and his work, you can visit the following:

  •  for more information on my research, teaching, researcg group,news or datadownloads.
  •  about active learning and research describing projects, highlighting in-class student research projects and sharing data.
  •  for announcements and ephemera.
  •  for short CV and connections.
  • ,  or  for references and citations.
  •  for research and teaching videos.