
Scott Watson

Scott Watson
2016-2017 Former Faculty Fellow
Office: C182

Scott Watson joins the CFGS as a UVic faculty fellow July-December 2016. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and specializes in international security and international relations. His current research interests focus on the international governance of disaster, forced migration, and the global war on terror. He is also faculty advisor for the World University Service of Canada local committee and for the Model UN club on campus.

Scott Watson teaches courses on international relations, security studies, ethics in world politics, the UN and global issues, and the politics of disaster.

While at the Centre, Scott will be completing research on a project exploring how the international community governs and manages major disasters. The project explores how disasters disrupt the ideological foundations of international order, and how leading donor states, the UN, and non-governmental agencies attempt to preserve the modern, economically liberal, state-based international order through disaster risk reduction and relief policies.