
Jesse Baltutis

Jesse Baltutis
2016-2018 Former Graduate Student Fellow

Jesse Baltutis started his PhD September 2013 in the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's Department of Geography. His research is focused on the role and influence of local (non-state) actors in governance processes for transboundary river basins. It is through an analysis of the Columbia River Basin and the Orange-Senqu River Basin that he hopes to inform a deeper understanding about innovation and evolution of water governance processes in transboundary river basins, while exploring who is involved (or not involved) in these traditionally state-centric processes.  In September 2016, Jesse started a Fellowship at the Centre for Global Studies, and continues to develop his work and research in cooperation with the Borders in Globalization Project (BIG) and the POLIS Water Sustainability Project. He has also worked with the United Nations Environment Programme in Kenya and Friends of the Earth Middle East in Palestine. In 2009, he completed his Masters of Science in Environment and Development, where his research focused on fairness and equity in transboundary water management in the Jordan River basin.