
Affrica Taylor

Affrica Taylor
2014-2015 Former Visiting Research Fellow
Centre for Global Studies

Affrica Taylor was a visiting research fellow with the Centre for Global Studies, joining us from the University of Canberra, Australia. She is a member of the Common World Childhoods and Pedagogies International Research Collective () and was a part of the CFGS throughout September and October.

Affrica’s interdisciplinary research brings childhood studies into conversation with more-than-human geographies, feminist new materialisms, and Indigenous and environmental humanities.

Over the next few weeks she’ll be working on her research collaborations with Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw from School of Child and Youth Care (UVic): organising the upcoming (SHHRC-funded) symposium Learning How to Inherit in Colonized and Ecologically Challenged Lifeworlds; finalizing their co-edited Routledge book Unsettling the Colonialist Spaces and Places of Early Childhood Education; and writing a new SSHRC Insight grant application ‘Material Transformations: Rethinking Waste in Early Childhood Education’.