
Megan Dersnah

Megan Dersnah
2012-2015 Former Visiting Research Fellow
Centre for Global Studies
Office: Sedgewick C191

Megan Dersnah is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto in political science and international relations, and a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Global Studies. Her research focuses on the strategies and tactics of United Nations' bureaucrats working to advance the 'women, peace and security' normative agenda within the UN system. She is interested more broadly in how women's human rights issues have been incorporated into the UN's approach to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction. 

Beyond her PhD research, Megan has worked for five years as a consultant for UN Women. She is involved in the yearly preparations for the Commission on the Status of Women and has been active in contributing to the production of UN Women's flagship report, Progress of the World's Women.