
Linda Sheehan

Linda Sheehan
2013 Former Visiting Research Fellow
Linda Sheehan brings 20 years of environmental law and policy experience to Earth Law Center, where she works to advance in law the rights of nature to exist, thrive and evolve. Most recently, Ms. Sheehan took action on behalf of California’s waterways and ocean habitats as Executive Director of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, where she represented California’s 12 Waterkeeper organizations on statewide water quality and water flow issues. Prior to the Coastkeeper Alliance, Ms. Sheehan ran the Pacific Region Office of the Ocean Conservancy, advocating for clean coastal waters, healthy fish populations, and vibrant ocean habitats. 

Ms. Sheehan has advanced numerous successful legislation, policy and litigation initiatives on behalf of California’s inland waterways and marine ecosystems. For her efforts in “fight[ing] pollution of the Pacific and the streams and rivers that flow into it,” Ms. Sheehan was recognized as a “California Coastal Hero” by Sunset Magazine and the California Coastal Commission. 

Ms. Sheehan holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an M.P.P. from the University of California, Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy, where she was a Berkeley Policy Fellow, and a J.D. from the University of California's Boalt Hall School of Law