
Richa Sharma

Richa Sharma
2013-2014 Former Graduate Student Fellow
Richa comes from a multidisciplinary academic background with an Honours Bachelor degree in Anthropology, and a Master’s degree in International Development, with specialization in Women’s Studies. She has work experience as a youth intern with CIDA on a collaborative project between University of Montreal and Aga Khan Health Services, India on assessing how gender sensitivity is implemented in child, adolescent and maternal health interventions in rural Gujarat.

More recently, she was a Research Award Recipient with IDRC from where she received funding to pursue primary qualitative research on the decision-making patterns of young married women within the context of accessing sexual and reproductive health care in an urban slum setting in Ahmedabad, India.

Currently, Richa is working as a Research Associate with the International Women’s Rights Project for co-authoring a book chapter with the director on the failure of law to address gender based violence in the case studies of India, South Africa and Canada. In addition, she is also working as a Research Assistant with Dr. Shafik Dharamsi, Associate Professor, UBC Faculty of Medicine on a pilot study on access to child and maternal health services in the Melghat region of India. She has received numerous awards and scholarships through her undergraduate and graduate studies, including her MA thesis “Decision-making and role playing: young married women’s sexual and reproductive health in Ahmedabad, India” being nominated for the best thesis in her program.

She hopes to build and expand on her research training by pursuing a PhD with the School of Population and Public Health at UBC in Fall 2013. Richa enjoys travelling, adventure sports like sky diving and bungee jumping, and meditation.