
Early Career Leaders in China - Furthering Sustainability: the Environment & Clean Energy

Early Career Leaders in China program participants group photo at UVic

23 October - 10 November 2015

In the Fall of 2015, CAPI co-hosted a training program for professionals working in the public and private sectors in China and Hong Kong with a theme of “Furthering Sustainability: the Environment & Clean Energy.” The program was delivered in both Victoria and Vancouver and included lectures, discussions, and visits to local infrastructure and industry sites to learn about innovative sustainability technologies and strategies. The program provided opportunities for learners to meet and engage with diverse actors in BC to further develop their understanding and skills for approaching complex challenges. The program was run in collaborative with UVic's School of Public Administration, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, and Institute for Integrated Energy Systems.

The program was made possible by the generous support of:

  • Mr. Chan King Wai, Chairman, King Wai Group
  • Mrs. Jessica Hung & Dr. Albert Hung, President, Goldpoly Asia Ltd.

More information:

Program Brochure (English only)
Program Flyer (Chinese or English)

Early Career Leaders in China program participants in a west coast rainforest

Early Career Leaders in China program participants on a tour


Early Career Leaders in China program participants get a tour of the False Creek Neighbourhood Energy Utility in Vancouver

Early Career Leaders in China program pose in front of First Nations jade statue in Vancouver airport