
NTCO Academic Supervisors

Academic supervisors from 14 universities across Canada were involved in supervising 70 students in this program. Their involvement was critical in finding students whose interests and skills aligned with the goals of the NTCO program. We are grateful for their openness and support of the students and their projects, including the exchange of ideas and technologies between industry and the Canadian astronomy community.

Province University Academic Supervisor
British Columbia





Dave Andersen
Colin Bradley
Pat Côté
Ruobing Dong
Sara Ellison
JJ Kavelaars
Christian Marois
Brenda Matthews
Alan McConnachie
Kim Venn
Jon Willis

Scott Chapman
Sebastien Fabbro

Jonathan Holzman

Alberta & Saskatchewan

University of Lethbridge


University of Regina

David Naylor
Locke Spencer

Samantha Lawler


University of Toronto


Western University

McMaster University

Carleton University

Queen's University

Abigail Crites
Bryan Gaensler
Suresh Sivanandam
Keith K Vanderlinde

Sarah Gallagher
Stan Metchev

Soo Hyun Byun
Christine Wilson

Steve Ulrich

Kristine Spekkens

Quebec Laval University

McGill University

University of Montreal

Laurent Drissen
Simon Thibault

Hsin Cynthia Chiang
Matt Dobbs
Victoria Kaspi

René Doyon

Nova Scotia

Saint Mary's University

Dalhousie University

Ivana Damjanov

Scott Chapman

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