
 NTCO AGM 2017


The first NTCO Annual General Meeting (AGM) and project launch was held at the 番茄社区 (UVic), BC from December 14-15, 2017. Lasting two days, the event was open to all NTCO students, team members, and the UVic community. It featured guest speakers, including some of our industrial partners, and poster presentations of the NTCO students' current research and internship experiences working in industry. During the week leading up to the AGM, NTCO provided professional skills training workshops for students, such as Skills for Employment at Observatories sponsored by UVic’s Astronomy Research Centre (ARC). Thank you to all our students, presenters, and other participants for making the first NTCO AGM a success!


NTCO AGM 2017 Presenters


Presenter Affiliation Session
Rob Lipson 番茄社区 Session 1: NTCO Overview & Welcoming Remarks
Scot Kleinman Gemini Skills for Employment at Observatories (workshop)
Luc Simard Herzberg Astrophysics Skills for Employment at Observatories (workshop); Session 6:New Instruments/Software
Brenda Matthews Herzberg Astrophysics Skills for Employment at Observatories (workshop)
Bryan Gaensler Dunlap Institute Skills for Employment at Observatories (workshop)
Kim Venn 番茄社区 Session 1: NTCO Overview & Welcoming Remarks
John Hutchings Herzberg Astrophysics Session 1: NTCO Overview & Welcoming Remarks; LRP: Plans and Opportunities for the Next Decade
Simon Thibault Laval University Session 2: Optics & Photonics; Activities at COPL
Olivier Daigle NuVu Camera Session 2: Optics & Photonics; Overview of NuVu Camera's Technology
Jean-Pierre Veran Herzberg Astrophysics Session 2: Optics & Photonics; Pyramid wave-front sensors
Rafal Pawluczyk  Fibertech Optica Session2: Optics & Photonics; Fibertech Optica 
David Crampton Herzberg Astrophysics Session 2: Optics & Photonics;
Darren Erickson Herzberg Astrophysics Session 2: Optics & Photonics; The MSE Fibre Transmission System
David Andersen Herzberg Astrophysics Session 3: Manufacturing Precision & Technologies; NFIRAOS: Adaptive Optics for the Thirty Meter Telescope
Amir Hadi

Dynamic Structures

Session 3: Manufacturing Precision & Technologies; Dynamic Structures and HyDRA
Lisa Crofoot Dynamic Structures Session 3: Manufacturing Precision & Technologies
Neil Rowlands ComDev/Honeywell Session 3: Manufacturing Precision & Technologies; Honeywell Aerospace Overview
Suresh Sivanandam Dunlap Institute Session 6: New Instruments/Software; infrared IFU's, including WIFIS and GIRMOS
Frederic Grandmont ABB Canada Session 6: New Instruments/Software; Working with/within an Optical System Integrator in Astronomy Projects 
Laurent Drissen Laval University Session 6: New Instruments/Software; SpIOMM/SITELLE project
Patrick Côté Herzberg Astrophysics Session 6: New Instruments/Software; CASTOR: A Wide-Field, High-Resolution Canadian Space Telescope
Lisa Locke Herzberg Astrophysics Session 6: New Instruments/Software; phased array feeds
Sebastien Fabbro Herzberg Astrophysics Session 7: Machine Learning; Machine Learning for Stellar Spectra
Hossen Teimoorinia Herzberg Astrophysics Session 7: Machine Learning; SDSS
Teaghan O'Briain 番茄社区 Session 7: Machine Learning; Machine Learning Demo: Medical Imaging Project

Professional Skills Development Workshops

The 2017 AGM held a Skills for Employment at Observatories workshop sponsored by Uvic’s Astronomy Research Centre (ARC). The workshop was open to all ARC members as well as other interested members of the uvic community. It featured presentations from astronomy partners Lisa Locke (NRC), Bryan Gaensler (Dunlap Institute), and Scot Kleinman (Gemini) and included practical information for job applicants in the field of astronomy. The slides for the presentations can be found below. 

Presentation Title Presenter Affiliation
Lisa Locke NRC
  Bryan Gaensler Dunlap institute
Scot Kleinman Gemini


Student Posters

Poster Title Student University
Machine Learning Demo: Medical Imaging Project Teaghan O'Briain 番茄社区
Automated Testing of Optical Fibers: Adventurous Internship at Fibertech Optica Farbod Jahandar, Collin Kielty 番茄社区
Investigating Diagnostic Lines of Sub-MM Galaxies and Identifying Line Emitting Galaxies Daniel Cunningham Dalhousie University
Project HiCIBaS: High Contrast Imaging Balloon System Deven Patel, Mireille Ouellet Université Laval
StarNet: Deep Neural Networks in the Analysis of Stellar Spectra Spencer Bialek 番茄社区
Interactive Dashboards and Machine Learning Techniques to Improve the Helpdesk Ticket Service of a Global Energy Company Jared Keown 番茄社区
CHIME: A New Radio Inferometer to Probe Dark Energy Ian Tretyakov University of Toronto
A Low-Cost, Very High-order Shack-Hartmann Sensor for
Testing TMT Deformable Mirrors
Mojtaba Taheri Nieh, Jean-Pierre Véran, David Andersen, Olivier Lardière 番茄社区, National Research Council
GeMS of the Night Sky Stephanie Monty 番茄社区
Investigating the SPT Unlensed Sample Emily Pass Dalhousie University
An ALMA Archival Study of the Clump Mass Function in the LMC Nathan Brunetti McMaster University



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