
Academic programs

Graduate and undergraduate studies in astronomy-related fields are carried out in multiple departments at UVic. Many students do some or all of their research at ; this is an excellent option when students are interested in instrumentation and using it for their science programs.     

Students from any Canadian university who are interested in instrumentation may also apply to the NTCO program. Selected students are provided with funding, professional skills training, real-life experience through industry internships, and connections to researchers at universities and government labs.


HST image open cluster

More information on the graduate and undergraduate programs on the Department of Physics and Astronomy site.  Research opportunities are described on this ARC website. See astronomy graduate courses planned for the next two academic years.


Mechanical Engineering

Keck AO lasers

More information on research in  can be found through the Department of Mechanical Engineering.


More information on graduate student research opportunities in  (used in astrophysics) can be found through the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering site.

School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

 Earth's atmosphere

For more information on graduate student research opportunities in the area of palaeoclimate (the evolution of planetary atmospheres), should contact  at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences.


Computer Science


For further information, see the Computer Science site. 

See reseach with Kwang  and



Apostle Simulation

For more information on physics focused projects within ARC, visit the Department of Physics and Astronomy site.

See the research of Adam Ritz (working with dwarf galaxies and dark matter constraints) , and Geoff Steeves.