
User fees

We offer a three-tiered system: inside users, academic users and non-academic users. Rates usually remain the same throughout the fiscal year (until March 31st), but we reserve the right to change the rates at any time.

Tier User
Inside A special low rate, for AMF principle investigators
Academic Users from academic or non-profit institutions conduct academic work
Non-Academic External individual or companies.

The rates for each instrument and service are listed in the following table. When an hourly rate is indicated, the minimum amount charged is half hour.

Instrument/Service Inside Academic Non-Academic
SEM - Hitachi S-4800 $35/h $70/h $140/h
FIB - Hitachi FB-2100 $50/h $70/h $180/h
STEHM - Hitachi HF-3300V* $65/h $125/h $250/h
Additional Training** $40/h $40/h $80/h
Ion Mill - Fischione 1010 $20/h $40/h $60/h
Bruker D8 Discover XRD $20/h $30/h $60/h
Plasma Cleaner - Fischione 1020 $15/h $25/h $40/h
UV Cleaner - Hitachi Zone(SEM/TEM) $10/use $15/use $25/use
Coater Au/Pd - Anatech Hummer IV $15/use $20/use $40/use
Coater C - Cressington 208C $15/use $20/use $40/use
Gatan Cryoplunge 3 $30/use $65/use $130/use
Poster printing (max width 3 feet) $12/foot $12/foot $12/foot
Lab tours $50/h $75/h $100/h
Service work $40/h $75/h $120/h

*Note: at the moment, only service work is available on this instrument (HF-3300V). Please add the corresponding service fee for the operator.

**Training times will vary based on the complexity of the tool and the experience of the user. After a user completed the initial training session, additional training (if applicable) will be charged based on the listed hourly rate plus equipment usage rate.

To determine if our instruments will give viable results for your sample, we offer a one-time-only sample test service. If the test fails (due to whatever resaons) and your sample is not amenable to our equipment, we charge a low testing fee as listed in the table below once we start the test.

Instrument Fee
Hitachi FB-2100 FIB sample preparation $150
SEM/TEM imaging $75
EDX analysis $50

If the experiment is a success and/or you wish to retain electron microscope micrographs and/or analysis information, we will bill you according to our listed standard fee schedule.

Training is performed through workshops organized typically monthly. Please contact us to register for one. The current facility user can apply the training in FOM. The workshop rates are:

Workshop Fee
Hitachi S-4800 SEM basics workshop $250/person
Hitachi S-4800 SEM EDX workshop $150/person
Hitachi FB-2100 FIB basics workshop $485/person
Hitachi FB-2100 FIB TEM liftout workshop $350/person
CAMTEC nanofabrication workshop (subsidised) $400/person

AMF Academic Usage Discount

For high volume academic users, monthly usage discount will be applied as below.

Cumulative Monthly Usage* Discount (% off)
$0-$750 0%
$750-$1250 50%
>$1250 75%

*The monthly cumulative usage is for a single Principal Investigator (PI) regardless of the number of users in the group.

AMF Non-Academic Usage Discount

For high volume non-academic users, Annual usage discount will be applied as below.

Cumulative Annual Usage* Discount (% off)
$0-$20,000 0%
$20,000-$40,000 10%
$40,000-$60,000 20%
$60,000-$90,000 30%
>$90,000 35%

*The annual cumulative usage is for a single Principal Investigator (PI) regardless of the number of users in the group.

The discounts for both academic and non-academic users are not applied towards any consumable, training, service or contract work other than the equipment usage ONLY based on FOM record. The cumaltive usage is calculated without the overhead charges (if applicable).