
Commercial users

The Advanced Microscopy Facility is open to all users, including non-academic commercial and industrial customers. Take advantage of our expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentations to support development of your products or processes.

We can either train your staff or investigate the samples for you. For pilot projects, we also provide the option of test-running your sample at a discounted rate. Please refer to our membership and fees page for further information. You also have the option of sending us your samples by courier and assist during the investigation with tele-conferencing.

The easiest way to find the optimal solution for your business needs is to contact us. The variety of our operations ranges from long-term research collaboration (both academic and industrial), to contracted investigations and single sample analysis. We offer custom solutions for all kinds of business needs. The expertise of our team spans over several disciplines and covers physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, nanotechnology and more.

Some of our industrial customers are listed below.

  • Burke & Bug Inc.

Some of our academic and non-profit customers are listed below.