
New users

New users of the Advanced Microscopy Facility should follow the simple set of steps outlined below prior to beginning work in the laboratory. Please, follow this new user guide.

Step 1: Contact us

Please let us know in good time before starting any experiments that require assistance from facility staff. Contact our facility manager by telephone or email to discuss the details of your project.

Step 2: Test sample (optional)

To determine if our instruments will give viable results for your sample, we offer an optional one-time-only sample test service. If the test fails and your sample is not amenable to our equipment, we charge a low testing fee. If the experiment is a success and you wish to retain electron microscope micrographs and/or EDX analysis information, we will bill you according to our standard fee schedule.

Step 3: Do it yourself, or hire us

Then, depending on how you would prefer to use the facility, select one of the following options:

1. Service Work: to hire us to work on your project and/or to use the instruments on your behalf, contact our laboratory manager by telephone or email.

2. Self Service: to use the instruments yourself sign up for one of our training workshops, which are generally held once a month. Once you have satisfactorily completed training you will be approved to book self-serve instrument time on our .

Step 4: Booking instrument time

Once you have either successfully completed a workshop or arranged for us to do the work for you, you are ready to start your project.

Before beginning any work, you must agree to provide the Advanced Microscopy Facility with copies or references to all publications, presentations, acknowledgements, etc. by sending us a signed publication agreement form.