
Lab tours

As part of our outreach efforts, we regularly offer tours and demos, either as stand-alone events or as part of larger activities.

The content of the activities is adjusted to the expertise level of the audience and can range from children of all ages to preminent scientists.

We can set up up to 4 different activities/stations, each of them 20-30 min that can run in parallel (we adjust the content of the activity to fit the preferred duration).

  • Light microscopy station
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) station
  • Focused Ion Beam (FIB) station
  • Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscopy STHEM) station

A general introduction is given before starting the various sessions and includes a brief overview of the posters shown in the corridor of the lab.

Our demos are interactive and include hands-on operation of some of our instrument. Visitors are given the chance to image atoms in the STEHM, or they can operate the SEM and examine a sample in great detail. We also have plenty of activities around light microscopy, life science or material science, depending on the interests and inclinations of the group.

Ideally we would like to have up to 5-6 persons attending each activity, therefore we can accomodate a group of up to 24 divided into 4 parallel sessions. Visits can be customized to your needs, feel free to contact us to find the solution better suited for you.

The cost for a lab tour can be found on our fee page. Visits to the poster area in the lab corridor are free of charge.