
Department name and code changes

Official university departments are determined through the Board of Governors and are added to the codes tables in Banner. Requests for additions to UVic departmental codes, for administrative units or changes to department/unit names, are performed by Registrar Information Systems (RISS) in the Office of the Registrar.

Once a request is processed, an email is sent to associated departments (e.g. Payroll, Facilities Management, Computer Help Desk) to notify them of the change.

The current list of academic and administrative department codes is available to UVic faculty and staff via the following resource: .

Department code forms

Choose one of the following forms to initiate a department-code addition or change:

Department code information

  • Academic departments are established via Senate and receive approval from the Board of Governors.
  • Administrative departmental units may also be added by RISS, in order to facilitate University records maintenance.
  • Numeric and alpha codes (letters only, no numbers or special characters) are assigned in Banner by technical staff.
  • Only one alpha code is permitted per department.
  • If a code change request reflects a change in organizational structure, RISS will normally approve the change after an effective date is set for the actual use of the code—this allows time for other UVic systems to incorporate the code change.
    • Please indicate the effective date of change on the submission form in the "Additional comments" section.
  • Codes are not added for research projects or for mailing purposes.
  • Code requests are initiated by submitting a request using the appropriate form (see above).

How the code changes are made

After the codes are added in Banner Student (STVDEPT and SOAXREF), the following areas are notified to incorporate the change:

  • Finance
  • Purchasing
  • Web services
  • Netlink accounts
  • Mail services
  • Facilities Management
  • Human Resources
  • Telephone Services
  • Payroll
  •  for directory changes
    • After the changes have been made in Banner, the Computer Help Desk will follow up with the directory administrators in the event the directory change does not happen.
    • For more information, visit the .