
Timetable submissions

Timetable submissions are collected using a web-based system called the Data Capture Utility (DCU). This method replaces the submission of paper spreadsheets and provides a number of benefits including improved efficiency and accuracy. Academic departments have used the DCU to enter timetable submissions since March 2015.


Access the DCU

Summer session: the DCU is open from mid-November to early December. 
Access the Summer session DCU here:

Winter session: the DCU is open from early February to early March.
Access the Winter session DCU here:   

If you require new access to the DCU, ask your supervisor to submit a Student Systems Access Request form on your behalf: .



are available at any time. 
For individual or small-group training, contact stutrain@uvic.ca


Support and troubleshooting

Email for assistance and support.

Key DCU resources