
Exam information for instructors

Exam submission: final copy

The original copy of an exam must be submitted with the salmon "Exam Control/Order Form" to the Office of the Registrar five (5) working days prior (no exceptions) to the scheduled date of the examination, attention:

Exam instructions and submissions

Instructions and information for exam invigilators

  • Photo identification will be required from all invigilators.
    • If the designate is unable to pick up the exam, invigilators are responsible for making arrangements for substitution.
    • Changes must be reported to the Exam Clerk by email at exams@uvic.ca well in advance of changes.
  • Exams not picked up within the above hours will be held at Campus Security.
  • Exams should be checked before leaving the Office of the Registrar.
  • Exams must be picked up from Room A109, Jamie Cassels Centre, Main Floor, Office of the Registrar.
    • Exams are available for pick up two business days prior to the scheduled exam date.
    • Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
      • Evening exams not picked up by 4:00pm on the day of the exam, or weekend exams not picked up by 4:00pm on the preceding Friday, will be held at Campus Security
    • Photo identification is required.
  • Invigilators are encouraged to pick up exams well in advance to allow adequate time for review and make changes if needed.
  • All invigilators picking up exams from the Office of the Registrar must be listed on the Final Exam Schedule online.
    • If someone other than the listed invigilator(s) will be picking up your exam, please notify the Exams team by email at exams@uvic.ca well in advance.
  • Please park in the loading zone in front of Jamie Cassels Centre to avoid parking citations.
    • Any car parked in a metered space must pay the meter and is responsible for any citations received.

To cancel scheduled examinations, notify the Examination Clerk - Office of the Registrar, by email immediately:

Students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)

For students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL), please indicate on your Exam Arrangement Form that "CAL staff will pick up" the exam at the Office of the Registrar. If you are preparing your own exam you must supply CAL with a copy of the exam.

  • Contact CAL at 250-472-4087

Accommodation of religious observances

See the for more information.

Instructions and submissions

Exam invigilators

Exam pick up

Location: Room A109, University Centre, Main Floor (Office of the Registrar)

Pick up hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15am – 4:00pm


  • Photo identification will be required from all invigilators*.
  • Exams not picked up within the above hours will be held at Campus Security.
  • Exams should be checked before leaving the Office of the Registrar.

*If the above designate is unable to pick up the exam, invigilators are responsible for making arrangements for substitution. Changes MUST be reported to the Exam Clerk by email at exams@uvic.ca well in advance of changes.

Exam cancellations

To cancel scheduled examinations, notify the Examination Clerk - Office of the Registrar, by email immediately:

Cancel an exam:

Special arrangements

Students with disabilities

For students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL), please indicate on your Exam Arrangement Form that “CAL staff will pick up” the exam at the Office of the Registrar.  If you are preparing your own exam you must supply CAL with a copy of the exam. 

  • Contact CAL at 250-472-4087.

Accommodation of religious observances

See the for more information.

Grade submission deadlines

It is critical that instructors submit grades by the Senate deadlines. Late and overdue grades may affect students' eligibility for graduation, scholarships, awards, admission to graduate programs, eligibility to reregister, and the ability to meet the faculty and senate approval dates for convocation.

The grade submission deadlines are as follows:

  • Seven (7) calendar days after the end of classes for courses that do not have a final examination as noted in the calendar.
  • Seven (7) calendar days after the examination is written for those courses that have a final examination.
  • Seven (7) calendar days after the due date for the final assignment, for courses where the final assignment is due after the last day of classes or the final examination.

While we realize that strict adherence to the seven (7) calendar day deadline may not be possible in all cases, your cooperation in submitting grades as close to these deadlines as possible is requested.

Deadlines and instructions

Exam storage

The Office of the Registrar can collect your exams for storage and viewing. If you wish to store your exams in our office, please see the detailed instructions.