
Exam formatting guide

Exam format and materials

When submitting an exam to the Office of the Registrar (OREG) for printing, your original copy must:

  • be printed on white paper that is Letter-sized (8.5x11-inch) or Legal-sized (8.5x14-inch)
  • have top/bottom/side margins of at least 0.5 inches
  • use black ink for drawings
    • any drawings done in pencil will NOT appear clearly when copied and printed.

Please note that the OREG does not keep stocks of logarithmic tables, graph paper, or any other special-purpose types of paper.

  • When students are to use such materials, this should be indicated on the exam paper.
  • Instructors are responsible for supplying the materials when submitting exams to be printed.

All exams will be printed double-sided (back-to-back pages) unless single-sided printing is requested on the Exam Control/Order Form.

Instructors can advise students to supply their own 'HB' pencils and/or pens.

Cover page

The following information is required on the cover page of all exams:

  1. "番茄社区"
  2. Exam period (month and year)
  3. Course title (as found in the academic calendar)
  4. Course number, section(s) and CRN
  5. Instructor's name
  6. Duration of exam
  7. Number of pages in the exam (including the cover)
  8. Number of additional pages of separate handouts
  9. How the exam should be answered (e.g. on the paper, in booklets provided, on bubble sheets, etc.)
  10. Special materials that students are permitted to use

Cover page template

A Microsoft Word template is available to assist instructors with creating cover pages for exams.

Download the exam cover page template (.dotx)

Body pages

The following information is required on all body pages to ensure that no pages are missing.

  1. Course title
  2. Course number
  3. Course section (if applicable)
  4. Page number (starting at 2)

Last page

The last page of the exam must be marked "END" after the final question to indicate that there are no further pages.