
Lab decommissioning

When a laboratory is vacated, (for example: retirement, renovation, change of research activities, etc) it must be left in a condition that is safe for new occupants or non-lab workers involved in renovations and/or removal of surplus equipment. 

As part of this process, the lab owner or department must complete the laboratory decommissioning/close-out form prior to vacating the lab.

Please ensure a copy of the signed form is also sent to .

Additional instructions for:

Biological materials

  • All biological materials are to be removed and all work surfaces cleaned with a suitable disinfectant (e.g. 1% bleach).
  • To arrange for decontamination of a biosafety cabinet, contact Jason Serpa at jserpa@uvic.ca or 250-721-8088.

Chemical materials

  • All chemical containers are to be removed and work surfaces (e.g. fume hoods, bench tops, cabinets, etc.) decontaminated with an appropriate cleaner. Mild soap and water is suitable for most situations.

Radionuclide materials

  • All radionuclides and sources must be removed to another permitted location. All equipment and surfaces must be decontaminated with and appropriate cleaner. Mild soap and water is suitable for most situations.

  • After surfaces/equipment have been decontaminated and wipe tested contact Troy Hasanen, hasanent@uvic.ca or 250-721-8875

Laboratory furniture/equipment

  • Place a tag on any laboratory equipment (e.g. fume hoods, storage cabinets, etc.) that have been decontaminated. Ensure all sections of the tag have been filled out and the tag is visible on equipment.