
Environmental reporting

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

The use, storage and disposal of PCB-containing materials and equipment are regulated by . It is important for UVic to identify possible sources of PCBs and ensure reporting and end-of-use requirements are met. Please contact  if you possess or need to dispose of materials or equipment that contain PCBs.

Domestic Substances List (DSL)

As part of Canada’s  is an initiative known as the "", through which Environment Canada collects information on the properties and uses of the approximately 200 chemicals defined as high risk as well as 68 micro-organisims classed as either Priority A, Priority B, or Priority C under the . Through OHSE, the University continues to provide reports on its activities related to these regulated substances.

For more information, please contact Amanda Muench at  or 250-853-3915.