
Support our research

Hector Caruncho Lab
The neuroscience graduate program at the 番茄社区 developed out of the desire to grow research-based graduate training at UVic and the overwhelming need to address the neurological health issues facing our population today.

How your gift helps:

Donations support our students and faculty in their mission to produce internationally recognized advances in neuroscience knowledge. Funding can take many forms, such as:

  • Graduate scholarships and fellowships:
    Allow outstanding students to concentrate on their specialty. Graduate students play an active role in the life of the university as researchers and teaching assistants.
  • Travel grants:
    Support students attending and presenting at conferences across Canada and internationally. The opportunity to share their research, network and collaborate with scientists from other universities is critical in advancing the quest to solve pressing neurological health issues.
  • Undergraduate research awards:
    Give bright and talented undergraduate students the opportunity to work in a research lab as part of a team.
  • Research funding:
    Aids in the recruitment and retention of the best faculty. Research funding can take several forms:
    • Endowed chairs and professorships
    • Matching Funds for provincial and federal partnership programs such as: NSERC (National Science and Engineering Research Council) CIHR (Canadian Institute of Health Research)

How you can contribute:

  1. Trainee support

Attracting and retaining high quality trainees is crucial to our research. In particular, there is currently very little funding available for foreign trainees. Your donation ($1000+) can support trainee researcher stipends at any of the following levels:

  • Postdoctoral Fellow $50,000/year
  • Graduate student $25,000/year
  • Undergraduate summer research student $1,000-$8,000/year
  1. Operational support for existing and new projects

On average, a research project in biomedical science requires at minimum $50,000 per year in purely operational costs (excluding trainee and staff salaries). Your donation ($5,000+) can contribute to the successful completion of on-going projects, or help spark brand new ideas and collaborations.

  1. Infrastructure support

We use state-of-the-art technology costing $5,000-$500,000, including an array of highly specialized microscopes. Your donation ($5,000+) can contribute to the acquisition of new state-of-the-art equipment.

To Donate, please visit

Contact information

For more details regarding our research program, and how your donation will contribute to advances in neuroscience research, please direct your inquiries to the DMS Operations Manager, Chen Liu: dmslab@uvic.ca or 250-853-3827


Development Officer, Division of Medical Sciences: sciencedev@uvic.ca or 250-721-6102.