
DMS Personnel

Dr. Brian Christie and Erin Grafe

In our labs and under expert supervision, students will be able to engage in exciting neuroscience research.

Dr. Craig Brown

Dr. Craig Brown's research focuses on synaptic plasticity, stroke, diabetes, and in vivo imaging.

Juan and Anna

Graduate students use super-resolution microscopy and biochemistry tools to investigate how nerve cell connections are formed at the molecular level.

Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne and lab staff

Dr. Swayne's research focuses on how nerve cell connections are formed at the molecular level using super-resolution microscopy and biochemistry tools.

Dr. Hector Caruncho and lab staff

Dr. Hector Caruncho studies the molecular biology and pharmacology of GABAA receptors; animal models of neuromotor disorders; and, lately, to the neurobiology of schizophrenia and depression.

Dr. Patrick Nahirney and lab staff

Dr. Nahirney's lab is working to provide a structural and molecular framework to a number of human diseases including Alzheimer's disease, stress-induced memory loss, Nemaline myopathy, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Dr. Marie-Eve Tremblay and her team

Dr. Tremblay's research team investigates the outcomes of various environmental risk factors for disease (e.g. chronic stress, bacterial/viral infection, dietary imbalance, sleep impairment, aging) on microglia, the immune cells of the brain. This research uses cutting-edge approaches (e.g. genetic mouse models, human samples, pharmacological treatments, behavioural testing, correlative imaging, high-throughput molecular analyses) to develop innovative therapies normalizing microglial functions upon exposure to various environmental risk factors for disease throughout life.

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