
Antonio de Tablada, Regla de la Orden Sagrada de Penitencia

Type: Manuscript

Date: c. 1528-1530

Setting: Spain (Leon? Zamora?)

Produced By/For: Antonio de Tablada

Contents: Regla de la Sagrada Orden de Penitencia de la Nuestra Seraphica Padre Sant Francisco (Rule of the holy order of penance of the regular observance of... Saint Francis)

Shelf Mark: Ms.Span.1

Location: Call no.


Detailed list of contents completed by Chantal Southam, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies course with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin, December 2015, is available here.

Transcription* by Rachelle Ann Tan with reference to the partial transcription of Cana Donovan (for fols. 11r28-16v), as part of coursework for a manuscript studies course with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), April 2016, is available here.

*Transcription conventions follow, where appropriate, those outlined by David Mackenzie, A Manual of Manuscript Transcription for the Dictionary of Old Spanish Language, as revised and expanded in the 5th ed. by Ray Harris Norhill (Madison, 1997), as well as Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham, Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Ithaca, 2007), pp. 75-77.

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