
Pro Rege Infirmo

Type: Manuscript

Date: 17th century

Setting: France

Produced By/For: ?

Contents: ?

Shelf Mark: Ms.Lat.10

Location: Call no.

Description from Vendor

A unique illuminated manuscript apparently created in France during the reign either of Louis XIII (1610-1643) or of Louis XIV (1643-1715). While its decoration shares similarities with baroque ornamentation, and its script style matches that of Getty Ms. 11a, this manuscript is more rugged, and is unlikely to have been executed for anyone in the immediate orbit of the royal court.

In near-contemporary leather and paper binding. Coat of arms affixed to front board depicts a knight's helmet above a green-painted shield, presenting a rooster resting atop a castle flanked by two lions and three fleur-de-lis, all in yellow on a red field. Spine perished. Quire 1 (folios 1-6) detached. Single column; around 11 lines per page. Some pages frame-ruled. Illuminated initials. Unfinished decoration on folios 2r, 4v-9r, 11v-12v. Folios 1-12, vellum; folios 13-15, paper; folios 16-17 wanting.

Provenance: Purchased from Hindman on the Medieval Manuscripts Fund.


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