
Folium from a Medieval Bible, Fragment

Type: Fragment

Date: 13th century

Setting: University

Produced By/For: [unknown] France

Contents: Bible (Paris Bible?)

Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.7

Location: Shelf 02/J/16c (Acc. 1994-013, Item #4)


From the Medieval Folia Collection

Folium from a Medieval Bible

  • vellum, 139 x 89mm (98 x 60mm)
  • Latin text in Gothic script (littera minscula gothica textualis rotunda media); ruled in plummet for two columns of writing; double bounding-lines for title and top line of writing-frame; corrected by same hand.
  • Bible, II Kings 16:5-17:8
  • French (Paris), s. xiiimed (mid-thirteenth century); university book production?
  • Decoration consists in the following: a single pen-flourished littera notabilioris, a D, in blue and red; running header (REGUM of which RE- is visible) in alternating letters of blue and red; indications of chapter in alternating Roman numerals of red and blue; opening letter of each sentence rubricated.


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