
Text from Psalms

Type: Fragment

Date: ca. 1175-1200

Setting: Northern Italy

Produced By/For: ?

Contents: Text from Psalm 118, verses 64-72

Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.24


Vendor Description

Text from Psalm 118, verses 64-72

An early vellum manuscript leaf in latin, apparently from a glossed pslater. Each side with 15 lines in the main text in a fine large proto-gothic hand, with gloss on either side and interlineation, these in smaller but equally careful hands, apparently from the same period. Paragraph flourishes in the glosses, rubrics in red, even versal initias in red.


Main text transcribed below in Latin with English translation following. Glosses and interlineation not translated.

118:63 [final words only] ...custodientium mandata tua. [... keep your commandments].

118:64 -- Misericordia tua Domine plena est terra: iustificationes tuas doce me. [The earth, O Lord, is full of your mercy. Teach me your justifications].

118:65 -- TETH. Bonitatem fecisti cum servo tuo Domine, secundum verbum tuum. [TETH. You have done well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word].

118:66 -- Bonitatem, et disciplinam, et scientiam doce me: quia mandatis tuis credidi. [Teach me goodness and discipline and knowledge, for I have trusted your commandments.]

118:67 -- Priusquam humiliarer ego deliqui: propterea eloquium tuum custodivi. [Before I was humbled, I committed offenses; because of this, I have kept to your word].

118:68 -- Bonus es tu: et in bonitate tua doce me iustificationes tuas. [You are good, so in your goodness teach me your justifications].

118:69 -- Multiplicata est super me iniquitas superborum: ego autem in toto corde meo scrutabor mandata tua. [The iniquity of the arrogant has been multiplied over me. Yet I will examine your commandments with all my heart].

118:70 -- Coagulatum est sicut lac cor eorum: ego vero legem tuam meditatus sum. [Their heart has been curdled like milk. Truly, I have meditated on your law].

118:71 -- Bonum mihi quia humiliasti me: ut discam iustificationes tuas. [It is good for me that you humbled me, so that I may learn your justifications].

118:72 -- Bonum mihi lex oris tui, super millia auri, et argenti. [The law of your mouth is good for me, beyond thousands of gold and silver pieces].


Purchased from Phillip J Pirages on the Special Collections Department Fund, 2017.


Glossed Psalter (one leaf), Psalm 118:64–72, with commentary that contains excerpts and paraphrases from Peter Lombard’s Commentarius in psalmos. Description completed by Jennifer Doyle as part of coursework for a manuscript studies class with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), June 2022.


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