
Folium from a Book of Hours, Fragment

Type: Fragment

Date: 15th century

Setting: City

Produced By/For: [unknown]

Contents: Devotional: Book of Hours

Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.17

Location: Shelf 02/J/16c (Acc. 1994-013, Item #3)


From the Medieval Folia Collection

Folium from a medieval Book of Hours

  • Vellum, 144x98mm (88x55mm)
  • Latin text in "Batarde" script (littera cursiva bastarda formata); ruled in red pencil for a single column of writing; smaller "Batarde" script used to indicate responses and antiphons.
  • Book of Hours
  • French (Tours?); s. xviin (c.1500)
  • Decoration consists of the following: a single initial H painted in gold ona blue rectilinear ground; litterae notabiliores washed in yellow; rubricated response and antiphon.


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