
Leaf from a Medieval Manuscript, Fragment

Type: Fragment

Date: 14th century

Setting: ?

Produced By/For: [unknown] [Italy]

Contents: Liturgical: Gradual

Shelf Mark: Fragm.Brown.Lat.2

Location: Brown Collection Box 7 (Acc. 1991-107, Item #1)

Description from Unidentified Dealer's Catalogue

Medieval Manuscript Leaf Framed Between Two Sheets of Glass, Bolognese

Artist: 14th Century (Beginning) Christ with the Stigmata. Historiated initial "D" on a full leaf on vellum from a Gradual. Bologna, ca. 1300. Christ is richly dressed in robes of blue and green and stands holding a green book, background in brown with white tracery. The initial painted in green and pale brown with thick curling stems ending in two grotesque faces, one of whom wears a pointed orange hat and is blowing an oliphant; square musical notation on red four-line staves. Size of the initial: 141x134 mm. On verso, a blue initial ["M"] with red calligraphic pen work [95x40 m]. Size of leaf: 570x360 mm. 5 lines of text in a large gothic hand [on each page]. The initial introduces the text: Da pacem, Domine, Sustentibus (introit to the Mass on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost).


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