
Italian Illuminated, Fragment

Type: Fragment

Date: c. 1350

Setting: ?

Produced By/For: [unknown]

Contents: Devotional: Italian Illuminated

Shelf Mark: Fragm.Brown.Lat.12

Location: Brown Collection Box 7 (Acc. 1999-043, Item #1)

Description from Vendor Catalogue (Maggs Brothers Catalogue No. 1227)

North Italian Illuminator

Leaf from an antiphonal with large decorative initial "H". Northern Italy, c. 1350

Very large initial "H" with long foliate extension, painted in blue, red, green, grey, brown and two shades of pink; the initial infilled with a varzety of ornamental designs on which are drawn dotted lines, circles and curling stems all in white, the initial on a very broad blue ground with white tracery, lush foliage extension at top and bottom to make a full border.

Size of leaf: 510 x 360mm. Square musical notation on eight 4-line staves, with interlinear text in a rounded gothic hand.

A very handsome leaf of great visual beauty, with a large decorative initial painted in bold colours, typically found in manuscnpts produced in Bologna in the second half of the 14th century.


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