
Doctoral Diploma, University of Rome

Type: Document

Date: 10 April 1682

Setting: Italy, Rome

Produced By/For: Franciscus Dionysius Van der Haghe

Contents: Doctoral Diploma of the University of Rome

Shelf Mark: Doc.Lat.5


Description from Vendor

Doctoral diplomas such as this were proud symbols of the new graduate's place in society. The history of the Roman universities has been a subject of much recent scholarship, making this diploma in civil and canon law from the University of Rome (Studium Urbis) of particular interest to scholars studying the history of education, the city of Rome, and the papal curia. It is a very attractive object (perfect for exhibitions celebrating graduations or the history of script), and is equally of interest to modern calligraphers.

One sheet, written in an elegant italic script in thirty long lines, framed on three sides with a gold rule, headings and names in gold capitals, one six-line gold initial, stamp in the lower margin with the initials “S. B.” and motto “Elevat Et Illustrat,” folded, part of reverse darkened and soiled (equivalent to one folded square), upper margins slightly soiled, seal lacking, otherwise well preserved.

Full description available through Lesenluminures.com.

Provenance: Purchased from Les Enluminures, Ltd. on the MSSF Fund, 2018.


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