
Deed, 1571 (Original)

Type: Document

Date: 16 July 1571

Language: English

Setting: Legal, London; Cullompton, Devon

Shelf Mark: Doc.Eng.4

Location: Shelf 04/04/23b (Acc. 2019-070)


Deed of 1571 (Original)

Physical Features: four large sheets of parchment, main text on one side of each sheet in black ink, written in an Elizabethan secretary hand. A red wax seal is intact, hanging from the document on a strip. There is evidence of a spot where a second seal would have hung, but nothing survives.

Content: an indenture between George Symons and George Corkoram, both of Colompton, Devon, drafted at the Inner Temple of London. Marginalia present and many signatures.

Measurements: 55mm x 67mm


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