
Sandon Manor Document, 1669

Type: Document

Date: 22 April 1669

Languages: Latin, English

Setting: Legal; "Maneru(m) de Sandon / cum Suffnall (et) Cromer"

Shelf Mark: Doc.Eng.2

Location: Shelf 04/04/23b (Acc. 2019-070, Item #5)


Sandon Manor Document, 22 April 1669

Physical Features: a single sheet of parchment folded into eighths, with writing in black ink all on one side with details written on the verso of one fold (intended as a label when the sheet is folded up). Writing is in a late secretary hand.

Content: document makes an inventory of the Sandon estate, situates it within the locale in regards to landmarks &c. and details who will inherit the property from the current owner (hereditary). The beginning of the text is in Latin, switching into English for the majority of the page before switching back to Latin for the ending.

Measurements: 34mm x 30mm


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