
Petrus Veremudi, Grant

Type: Charter

Date: 1226

Setting: City

Produced By/For: Petrus Veremudi of Andradi

Contents: Land donation to monastery

Shelf Mark: Doc.Brown.2

Location: Brown Collection Box 1 (Acc. 1989-069, Item #3)

Description from Vendor Catalogue ()

Petrus Veremudi, Grant Dated 1264 [Spanish Era, i.e. AD 1226]

13 lines in Latin, on vellum, in an attractive large hand, ca. 5 1/2x1 ins. [140x410mm], indented at the foot. Very slightly browned and rubbed in places; a handsome document in good clear condition. Grant by Petrus Veremudi of Andradi to the Monastery of Saint John of Calvary of all his inheritance around the church of Saint Eulalia at Bureganes, and other inheritances including lands near the church of Saint Martinus at Porto and near Monte Nigro, on condition that a daily mass should be said for his soul and for the sins he had committed in the Monastery of St. John and in other places. The grant is to be placed in the hands of the Abbot Martinus, and is made for the benefit of those clerics who persevere in the holy life. The document concludes with the extraordinary admonition that "if any one of my lineage or anyone else should violate the provisions of this document may curse and excommunication and malediction befall him and may he be damned in hell like Judas and may he be accursed unto the seventh generation". The document has the names of two witnesses, Matthias and Gundisaius (i.e. Gonzales), and is confirmed at the foot in the name of the donor, and is signed by the scribe Johannes with his name and his large notarial mark of a decorated cross. Dated in the reign of King Alfonso (Alfonso IX, last king of Leon, 1188-1250), during the Archbishopric of Bernardus and in the see of Martinus, Bishop of Mondonedo.


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