
Access policy

Special Collections has procedures which must be followed to access the books and archives in the department. Users must complete an item request form, sign and date it. On receipt of the material they must present current photo ID in order to use it. The user's current identification is retained by staff while the material is in use.

Because most of the material is rare and fragile, or unique and irreplaceable, all research use is supervised by staff in the reading room. To protect the material, users are requested to use pencils while taking notes.

Materials are not allowed to circulate. Exceptions may be made for the presentation of material for teaching or seminar purposes.

Access and usage

  • photo ID is required to view requested material
  • only pencil and paper, or laptops, may be used in the reading room – pens are not permitted
  • gloves may be required while using certain materials
  • use of material is restricted to our reading room during regular hours
  • reproduction by photocopy, or by any other means, is determined on an item-by-item basis dependent on the material's condition, copyright, and specific restrictions (a self-serve photocopier is available)