
Safe disclosure

UVic encourages university community members, as well as the public, to report significant matters. The UVic Safe Disclosure process provides a confidential and safe means to speak out about concerns related to:

  • Financial irregularities
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Other matters that you do not feel comfortable reporting through other UVic mechanisms (for a list scroll down to Other Types of Concerns).

Please click on the link button below to go to the Safe Disclosure intake/reporting form. 

Sexualized violence  / discrimination and harassment

If you want to disclose an incident of Discrimination and Harassment please reach out to Equity and Human Rights (EQHR) to ask questions or to schedule a Confidential Consultation by emailing eqhr01@uvic.ca.

If you want to disclose an incident of Sexualized Violence, the Sexualized Violence Resource Office (SVRO) in EQHR can help you confidentially access resources, support and/or explore policy options under the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response policy. You can get in touch with them anonymously by texting 236-638-3710, calling 250-721-8486 or by accessing the Anonymous Disclosure service. You can also schedule a confidential meeting in person or online with the Case Management Officer by emailing eqhr01@uvic.ca.

Financial irregularities

A financial irregularity is a departure from standard UVic financial / administrative procedures, policy requirements, or laws involving funds or other assets, and should be reported as soon as possible.

Response to suspected financial irregularities 

UVic’s response to suspected financial irregularities (as well as other types of concerns) consists of three stages:

  1. Identification and reporting
  2. Investigation (if necessary)
  3. Resolution

All reports of financial irregularities should be promptly brought to the attention of Internal Audit. 

All departments at UVic are obliged to act in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and any relevant UVic policies.

Read the Financial Irregularities Response Management (FIRM) for more information.

UVic does not tolerate any acts of retaliation against anyone who discloses a concern. If you are subject to any acts of retaliation, please report it to your supervisor or area lead, or contact Internal Audit confidentially via email (internalaudit@uvic.ca), phone (250-853-3123), or by clicking on the button below:

Report a concern

Other Types of Concerns*




Contact details

Sexualized violence

Case Management Officer



Discrimination and harassment, employment equity

Case Management Officer



On-campus security concerns and first aid

Campus Security Services

Manager of Security or Director of Security


Student fairness issues

Office of the Ombudsperson


Student non-academic conduct matters

Office of Student Life



HR issues for Staff & Administration

Human Resources

Associate Vice-President


Employment matters for Faculty & Librarians

Faculty Relations

Associate Vice-President Faculty Relations and Academic Administration



* From page 7 of the FIRM document

(Related terms: fraud, theft, whistleblower, financial investigation, corruption, complaint, unethical, non-compliance, violation, hotline, bribery, scam)