
Report a concern

The safe disclosure process provides a confidential means to report incidents of serious misconduct, financial irregularities, waste or wrongdoing.


Your contact information is not required. However, there may be cases where we are unable to fully investigate an issue without communicating with you.

If you choose to provide your contact information, it will only be used to follow up if needed. Your contact and other personal information is protected under the UVic Protection of Privacy policy (GV0235) and cannot be disclosed by Internal Audit to other parties without your explicit consent. We may ask for your consent if it is required for conducting the investigation.  In those cases, the information will only be disclosed on a need-to-know basis, and handled in accordance with policy GV0235.

If you would prefer to contact us anonymously, leave the name and email fields blank.

If you  would like to remain anonymous but want to further communicate with us, one option is to use an email account that does not use your name.

* Indicates required field.

Please be as descriptive as possible by providing details of locations, dates and who was involved.