
Faculty and student research

CSPT faculty and student carry out research on a variety of topics, and disseminate their research through publications, conferences, and public lectures.

The research interests and current projects of faculty members are highlighted on their faculty profiles

Recent CSPT faculty publications

"Out of Line: Essays on the Politics of Boundaries and the Limits of Modern Politics" by Rob Walker. Routledge, 2016.
"Out of Line: Essays on the Politics of Boundaries and the Limits of Modern Politics" by Rob Walker. Routledge, 2016.
"The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea" by Simon Springer. Rowman & LIttlefield, 2016
"The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea" by Simon Springer. Rowman & LIttlefield, 2016
'Violent Neoliberalism: Development, Discourse, and Dispossession in Cambodia" by Simon Springer. Palgrave, 2015.
'Violent Neoliberalism: Development, Discourse, and Dispossession in Cambodia" by Simon Springer. Palgrave, 2015.
"The Modernist World." Edited by Stephen Ross & Allana Lindgren. Routledge, 2015
"The Modernist World." Edited by Stephen Ross & Allana Lindgren. Routledge, 2015
"Dorothy Richardson’s The Tunnel," Edited by Stephen Ross & Tara Thomson.  Broadview Editions, 2014
"Dorothy Richardson’s The Tunnel," Edited by Stephen Ross & Tara Thomson. Broadview Editions, 2014
"Dorothy Richardson's Pointed Roofs." Edited by Stephen Ross & Tara Thompson.  Broadview Editions, 2014
"Dorothy Richardson's Pointed Roofs." Edited by Stephen Ross & Tara Thompson. Broadview Editions, 2014
Exits to the Posthuman Future
Exits to the Posthuman Future — Arthur Kroker
Main trees
Exilic Meditations: Essays on a Misplaced Life — Peyman Vahabzadeh
Animal Capital
Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times — Nicole Shukin
Politics of Urbanism: Seeing Like a City — Warren Magnusson
"Spiritual Economies: Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development" by Daromir Rudnyckyj. Cornell University Press, 2011. 
"Spiritual Economies: Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development" by Daromir Rudnyckyj. Cornell University Press, 2011. 

View some highlights from CSPT student research below:

Thinking as a Way of Life

The 2014 Graduate Conference in Cultural, Social and Political Thought welcomed researchers and activists representing different universities and communities, including CSPT students presenting their own work:

Carol Linnett – "The Resistance of Nature: Finitude, Ecophenomenology and the Disruptive Event"
Dustin Zielke – "All the World Within: Individuality and Relational Ontology"
Al Berg – "Troubled Radicals: A Transcontinental Look at Indigeneity, Nationhood and Cosmopolitan Experience"
Marta Bashovski – "Determinations of Dissent: Protest and the Politics of Classification" 

View the .

The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø held its 3rd annual , showcasing interesting research and creative ideas from faculty and students.

CSPT students and faculty members were among the researchers showcasing their work at IdeaFest 2014, held March 3-8.

Explorations in Politics: New Directions in Graduate Research, March 4, 2014
Organized by Arthur Kroker (CSPT) and Heidi Stark
Including presentations by four CSPT students:
Regan Burles – "Critical Theories of Sovereignty: Contemporary Trajectories"
Katherine Burnett – "Policing and Performativity in Nocturnal Urban Spaces"
Guillaume Filion – "On the Becoming-Digital of Thought"
Jasmine Liu – "States of Apathy: Silence and Ressentiment on the Fate of the Subject"

AC Hacks: Interdisciplinarity at UVic, March 5, 2014
Including a presentation by CSPT student Steven Orr

Deanne LeBlanc presents, "Some Initial Thought on Identifying the Role of the Settler-Denizen within Colonialism". 

Deanne has previously published her research, "," in Public Policy and Governance Review (2012).

View all  on YouTube.