
Dr. Charlotte Schallié

Dr. Charlotte Schallié
Germanic and Slavic Studies

On leave until 30-Jun-25

Office: CLE D263


Area of expertise

Holocaust Studies, Germanic Studies, Memory Studies, Film, Graphic Novels, Visual Arts

Charlotte Schallié is a Professor of Germanic Studies at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø in Canada. Her teaching and research interests include memory studies, visual culture studies & graphic narratives, teaching and learning about the Holocaust, genocide and human rights education, community-engaged participatory research, and arts-based action research. Together with Dr. Andrea Webb (UBC), she is the project co-director of a 7-year SSHRC-funded Partnership Grant entitled .

Through her SSHRC-funded (2019-2022), Charlotte Schallié led an international collaboration to center the expertise and experiences of Holocaust survivors as witnesses, human rights activists, and educators. As part of this work, Dr. Schallié edited the multi-award winning (Toronto: New Jewish Press, 2022). The is now also available through the (German Federal Agency for Civic Education) facilitating the book’s use for classroom teaching across Germany.

Most recently, she co-edited, with Dr. Alexander Korb, Barbara Yelin’s (Berlin: Reprodukt, 2023).

Together with Agnes Hirschi, Dr. Schallié co-published a ( edition; expanded edition in ) that retraces Swiss Vice-Consul Carl Lutz’s diplomatic rescue efforts based on individual survivor testimonies from 1944 and 1945. Dr. Schallié’s research on Carl Lutz was featured on CBC’s (28 May 2018) and (6 December 2017).

M.A. Thesis supervision / co-supervision

Mitchell, Mo. The Everlasting Myth of Victimhood: Holocaust Distortion in the House of Terror (Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2023)

Sawyer, Michaela. Going Home: Restitution of the Little-Known Casualties of the Second World War (A Herzog and Cassirer Case Study) (Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2022)

Colquhoun, Rachel. Sex and the Holocaust in Hiding. Moving Beyond the Genocide Convention (Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2022; co-supervisor: Kristin Semmens)

McClenagan, Eliza. Creating a “National” Church: The De-Judaization of Protestantism and the Holocaust (Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2021; co-supervisor: Shamma Boyarin) Recipient of the Gold Medal for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in the Faculty of Humanities

Coutu, Tessa. Cross-Cultural Connections: Decolonizing Holocaust Education through Testimony and the Power of Story (Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2020; co-supervisor: James Nahachewsky)

Burritt, Caitlin. We Are Harmless: An Arts-Based Autoethnographic Graphic Novel on Holocaust Memory in Dresden (Arts-based non-thesis project in Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2020; co-supervisor: Darlene Clover)

Yarmar, Noga. RE-SHAPE-ING MEMORY. Walking Berlin’s Memorial Landscape; An Arts-Based Autoethnographic Inquiry & Visual Meditation on Holocaust Memory, Absence & Loss (Arts-based non-thesis project in Germanic Studies – Holocaust Studies Stream; 2019; co-supervisor: Darlene Clover)

Gerber, Myriam. Beyond the Memory: the Era of Witnessing – Analyzing Processes of Knowledge Production and Memorialization of the Holocaust through the Concepts of Translocal Assemblage and Witness Creation (Interdisciplinary Studies; 2016; co-supervisor: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier)

Severyn, Ryan. From the Lancet to the Page: An Analysis of Bloodletting as a Metaphor for Bearing Witness and Its Potentially Deadly Consequences (Germanic Studies; 2014)

Kell, Zola. Found in Translation: An Ongoing Dialogue Between Theory and Practice (Germanic Studies; 2014)

Dosky, Laura. A Return to the Communicative: The Dialogic Potential of (Migrating) Objects and Artifacts in Barbara Honigmann's "A Love Made Out of Nothing" (Master's Essay in English; 2014; co-supervisor: Lincoln Shlensky)

Fux, Simone. Inverting the Subject to Object Trajectory in Herta Müller's Reisende auf einem Bein (Master's Essay in English; 2014; co-supervisor: Sheila Rabillard)

Musekamp, Daniel.  The Tower of Babel and the Tunnel of Babble: (Non-)Identity Politics in Wladimir Kaminer's Russendisko and Jáchym Topol's Sestra (Master's Essay in English; 2012; co-supervisor: Lincoln Shlensky)

Gans, Michael Moses. Fathers, Sons and the Holo-ghost: Reframing Post-Shoah Male Jewish Identity in Doron Rabinovici's Suche nach M (Germanic Studies; 2012)

Fritze, Christine. Collaborating Beyond the Boundaries of Citizenship: A Transcultural Perspective on Public Participation in the Development of Swiss Immigrant Policy (Dispute Resolution; 2012)

Ph.D. Supervisory Committee

Herzog, Julia. The Photo Album: Autoethnographic Witnessing and the Post-Shoah Re-creation of Memory (Child and Youth Care; 2023)

Baer, Ursula. Daskind by Mariella Mehr: Unveiling a Subjugated History: a First Draft of an Archae-genealogical History of WVHPKL/OHGFRI People (Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies; UBC, 2015)

(with Alexander Korb, ed.). Barbara Yelin. . Berlin: Reprodukt, 2023.

“’It Takes a Village’ – New Pedagogical Approaches to Collaborative Inquiries with Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants.” . Ed. Kat Sark. University of Toronto Press, 2023. 60-73.

(with Fransiska Louwagie, Caroline Sharples and Andrea Webb). “Testifying to Genocide: A Creative and Critical Use of Memory and Testimony in Holocaust Education in the UK and Canada.” Ed. Sara Jones and Roger Woods. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 405-427.

“Immer wenn er gestorben war, kam er wieder zurück.“ Jüdische Lebenswelten und Erinnerungsräume in Charles Lewinskys Melnitz.Internationale  Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik. Emily Eder, Sylvie Jeanneret, Ralph Müller, eds. Vol. 9 (2022): 127-146. DOI:                  

Charlotte Schallié, ed. C.H. Beck, July 2022.

Charlotte Schallié, ed. . Illustrated by Miriam Libicki, Gilad Seliktar and Barbara Yelin. New Jewish Press, May 2022.

(with Helga Thorson and Andrea van Noord, eds.). University of Regina Press, 2020.

(with Elizabeth Nijdam, guest editor). , vol. 56, issue 3-4, November 2020.

(with Agnes Hirschi, ed.). . Zurich: Limmat Verlag, 2020.

“Hidden in Plain Sight: Post-Holocaust Mnemonic Objects and Material Traces in Arnon Goldfinger’s The Flat(הדירה).” Special Issue on Contemporary Holocaust Film. Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, vol. 25, 2019.

(with Manuel Meune, and Katrin Mutz, eds.). Stratégies d’écriture en Suisse et aux Antilles De la diglossie affichée aux traces de langues - Revue transatlantique d’études suisses, no. 8/9, 2018/19. 318 pp.

(with Dániel Péter Biró). “Studies in Contrast – Notes from the Field.” Narratives of Memory, Migration, and Xenophobia in the European Union and Canada. Helga Hallgrimsdottir and Helga Thorson, editors. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø ePublishing Services, 2019.

(with Agnes Hirschi, ed.).  Svájci védelem alatt: Zsidó szemtanúk beszámolói a háborús idők Budapestjéről [Hungarian edition of Under Swiss Protection. Jewish Eyewitness Accounts from Wartime Budapest]. Budapest: Kalligram, 2019.

“’My Horns Come Out in My Attitude!’ Negotiating Jewish Student Identity and the Politics of Identification in Canada.” Religion and Higher Education in Europe and North America. Ed. Kristin Aune and Jacqueline Stevenson. London and New York: Routledge. 109-122, 2017.

“A Place in the Sun: Colonial Entanglements in Lukas Bärfuss’ Hundert Tage and Daniel Goetsch’s Herz aus Sand.Usable Pasts and Futurities: The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Culture. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. 159-178.

“Höhenfeuer.” Heimatfilm international. Ed. Jürgen Heizmann. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2016. 102-108.

(with Wassilis Kassis, and Judith von der Heyde) “Empirische Ergebnisse zum Zusammenhang von Geschlechterrollenstereotypen und antimuslimischen Vorurteilen. Ein international komparativer Blick.” Rechtsextremismus als Herausforderung für die Theologie. Ed. Sonja Angelika Strube. Freiburg i.B.: Verlag Herder, 2015. 209-222.

“The Case of Feinkost Adam©: Confronting Anti-Semitism Through Creative Memory Work.” The Future of Holocaust Memorialization: Confronting Racism, Antisemitism, and Homophobia through Memory Work. Ed. Andrea Peto and Helga Thorson. Budapest: Tom Lantos Institute, 2015. 65-70.

“Donnergrollen am Feierabend - Deutschschweizer Literatur und der Zweite Weltkrieg.”  (Dezember 2014). Web. [http://www.schweizermonat.ch/artikel/online-spezial-donnergrollen-am-feierabend-deutschschweizer-literatur-und-der-zweite-weltkrieg]

(with Wassilis Kassis, Sonja Strube, and Judith von der Heyde) “Prediction of Anti-Muslim Sentiment on Campus: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Prejudice in Two University Populations.” HIKMA – Journal of Islamic Theology and Religious Education 5.9 (October 2014): 141-165.

“Heterotopische Übersetzungs(spiel)räume in Jason Byrnes Theaterinszenierung von Lukas Bärfuss’ Die Probe/The Test.” Revue transatlantique d’études suisses (November 2013): 121-138.

“Die Mode verschwindet aus Deutschland. Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die Bekleidungsindustrie.” Zerrissene Fäden. Schlaglichter auf die jüdische Modeindustrie in Deutschland und Österreich. Ed. Roberta Kremer. Göttingen: Steidl, 2013. 163-176.  

(co-editor with Margrit V. Zinggeler). Globale : . Zurich: edition 8, 2012. 

(with Helga Thorson) “’Jetzt machen wir hier mal Multikulti’: Fostering Critical Engagement with Multiculturalism through Peer-Assisted Language Learning.” Die Unterrichtspraxis. Teaching German 45.1 (May 2012): 53 - 66.

“’Beyond 'Foreign Rabble, Thugs and Thieves.’ Roma and Yenish Peoples in a Swiss Culture Class.” New Approaches to Teaching Modern Switzerland: From Multiculturalism to Cultural Hybridity. Eds. Karin Baumgartner, and Margrit Zinggeler. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2010. 135-152.

“’Switzerland Has Run out of Steam on Its Way to Multiculturalism’: An Interview with Dragica Rajčić.” Women in German Yearbook 26 (2010): 146-166 (with Christine Fritze).

“’Man muss das Problem sozusagen per distance betrachten und aus der Enkelperspektive’: Thomas Hürlimanns entstellte Schweiz.” Schweiz schreiben: Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Mythos Schweiz in der Gegenwartsliteratur. Eds. Jürgen Barkhoff and Valerie Heffernan. Tübingen: De Gruyter, 2010. 215-229.

"Die neuerlich drohende Ausbreitung des Stimmenbreis': Erinnerungsschwund im Archiv. Zu Daniel Ganzfrieds Der Absender." Sichtungen: akten-kundig? Literatur, Zeitgeschichte und Archiv. Eds. Marcel Atze, et al. Vienna: Praesens, 2009. 98-105.

Heimdurchsuchungen: . Zurich: Chronos Verlag, 2008.

 “Die erfundene Erinnerung: Hitler in der Schweiz.” Imaginäre Welten im Widerstreit. Krieg und Geschichte in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eds. Marianne Vogel and Lars Koch. Münster: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. 271-285.


"'But I Live': Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust." Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies. University of Texas at Dallas. March 2024.

“Survivor-centred Visual Storytelling in Holocaust Witnessing and Testimony.” School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures. University of Calgary. December 2023

“‘But I Live’: Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust. Survivor-Centred Visual Storytelling.” Graphic Novels und Animationsfilme über die Shoah. Zwischen Zeugenschaft und pädagogischer Vermittlung. Online seminar sessions. Organized and hosted by the Overseas Education and Training Department; International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem. November 2023.

“Trauma-informed Visual Storytelling in Barbara Yelin’s Memory Work with Emmie Arbel.” Conference on “Konkurrenz oder Konvergenz? Multidirektionales Erinnern an Holocaust und Kolonialismus im Comic. In cooperation with Alfred-Toepfer-Stiftung and the Deutschen Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken MERKUR, Gut Siggen, Germany. October 2023.

(with Andrea Webb). "Centering Graphic Narratives and Arts-Based Co-creation in Holocaust and Human Rights Education." The International Comic Arts Forum. Annual Conference. UBC. April 2023.

“Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education.” Seminar Three, "Challenging Prevailing Paradigms in Holocaust Studies through the Creative Arts,” organized by Henry Greenspan. Lessons and Legacies Conference on the Holocaust. University of Ottawa. November 2022.

(with Andrea Webb). “Graphic Narratives & Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education.” Teaching Comics Conference. Valencia, Spain. October 2022. Online

“From Germanist to Project Manager: Coordinating an Arts-Based Participatory Action Research Partnership.” Project Management in the Humanities conference. Digital Humanities Summer Institute. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. June 2022. Online.

“Visual Storytelling and arts-based action research in Holocaust witnessing and testimony.” Lost Music – Jewish Cultural Heritage in Scandinavia. Concert and Seminar. The Grieg Academy - Department of Music. Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design. University of Bergen, Norway. May 2022.

“I don’t remember.” Trauma-informed Storytelling in Barbara Yelin’s But I Live.” Panel on Graphic Narratives and Trauma. 20th and 21st Century German Forum. MLA Conference. Washington DC, January 2022. Online.

Learning Through Graphic Novels. A Webinar on Moral and Social Justice in the Graphic Novel. Organized by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver & Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel. November, 2021.

(With Dienke Hondius). “Addressing Secrets: Holocaust Survivors of Hiding Engaged in Research and Memory Work.” Testimonies and Research on Hiding during the Holocaust. Webinar. The Netherlands Institute at Athens. October, 2021.

“Graphic Novels, Holocaust Memory and Human Rights.” EU Institute Lecture Series. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, April 2021.

“Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Rights Education.” Dean’s Lecture Series. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, January 2021.

“Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling in Holocaust and Human Right Education.” Holocaust education: The antidote to anti-Semitism? World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust & Descendants. Vancouver, November 2019.

“It Takes a Village: New Approaches to Collaborative Inquiries with Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants.” British Association for Holocaust Studies. University of Roehampton, London, July 2019.

“Carl Lutzs Rettungsaktion im Kontext der Holocaust- und Menschenrechtsbildung” [Carl Lutz’s Rescue Mission in the Context of Holocaust and Human Rights Education]. Hochschule Luzern/Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland, November 2018.

“Using Graphic Novels to Teach the Holocaust in the High School Curriculum.” International Study Days: Teaching about and Learning from the Holocaust – Practices and Experiences in Education. Haute école pédagogique du canton du canton de Vaud. Lausanne, Switzerland, January 2018.

“Human Rights, Social Justice, and the Arts.” Ravensbrück Memorial, Fürstenberg/Havel, Germany,  July 2017.

“Teaching the Holocaust through Graphic Novels: A Community-Engaged High School Project.” Beyond the Textbook: New Approaches to Holocaust Education. 10th Biennial Shafran Teachers’ Conference. Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre. Vancouver, February 2017.

“Community-Engaged Holocaust Education.” World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA, November 2016.

“Teaching the Holocaust Through Graphic Novels: A Community-Based High School Project.” Witnessing Auschwitz: Conflicting Stories and Memories Conference. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, September 2016.

“Jewish Student Identity and the Politics of Identification on Campus.” Jewish Community Centre of Victoria. Victoria, April 2016.

The Case of Anna Göldi: Europe’s ‘Last ‘Witch’.” Witches of The West: Witch hunts in our modernity. UVic Program of Medieval Studies, UVic Libraries, and the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society. Victoria, February 2015.

"The case of FEINKOST ADAM ©: Confronting Antisemitism Through Creative Memory Work." The Future of Holocaust Memorialization. Central European University, Budapest, June 2014.

(with Gerlinde Weimer-Stuckmann). "New Transcultural Approaches in the Third-Year Integrated Language Curriculum." Transcultural Perspectives on German Studies Conference. University of Waterloo, June 2014.

(with Wassilis Kassis) "Schützt höhere Bildung vor Rassismus und Antisemitismus?" Vorstellung einer Studie und Podiumsdiskussion. Akademie des Jüdischen Museums Berlin, February 2014.

"'The Same Dark Tale of Intrigue and Conspiracy.' Examining Antisemitism in Post-1989 Germany." Public Lecture at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, January 2014. 

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About University Students (But Were Afraid to Ask): Social, Cultural and Religious Prejudices on Campus." Provost’s Diversity Research Forum. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, January 2014. 

“Cholent, Harira, Guthuk, and Vada: The Making of a New Swiss Cuisine. ‘Pluricultural Recipes’ for the Post-Secondary Classroom.” Panel on “Die Schweiz im Curriculum des 21. Jahrhunderts.”
 ACTFL/AATG Convention/Conference in Orlando, FL. November 2013.

(with Wassilis Kassis). “Wie viel Menschenfeindlichkeit darf's denn? Zum Verhältnis von sozialen Vorurteilen und Zivilgesellschaft. Eine internationale Studie zu sozialen Vorurteilen bei Studenten.” Vortrags- und Diskussionsabend der Remarque-Gesellschaft. Remarque-Friedenszentrum, Osnabrück, October 2013.

(with Wassilis Kassis). “Was Sie schon immer über soziale Vorurteile Studierender wissen wollten, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten. Ergebnisse einer international vergleichenden Fragebogenstudie zu den sozialen Vorurteilen Studierender.” Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien. University of Osnabrück, Germany, June 13, 2013.

“Jewish Memory in Contemporary Swiss German Literature and Film.” Transnational Memory Workshop. Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, May 2013.

“'The Sound of Home': Reconfiguring Heimatdichtung in Arno Camenisch’s Writings and Spoken Word Performances.” German-Canadian Transatlantic Forum: Remapping the Province - Rethinking Provincialism. The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies (CCGES). York University, Toronto, February 2013.

(with Margrit V. Zinggeler). "Crossing Swiss Borders: New Transcultural Texts for the German-Speaking Classroom." ACTFL / AATG Annual Convention. Philadelphia PA, November 2012.

"Kosmopolitische Standorte und Standpunkte in der neuen deutschsprachigen Literatur der Schweiz." Panel on 'Swissness in Literature, Then and Now.' German Studies Association Annual Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 2012.

"Counterpoint as a 'Space of Radical Openness' in the Poetry of Dragica Rajčić: A Translator’s Field Notes." Dream of the other Europe: Rethinking ‘Germanistik’ through the Balkans. Waterloo Centre for German Studies. University of Waterloo, February 2012.

"Globales Lernen und Multikulturalismus im DaF Unterricht." Goethe-Institut San Francisco, January 2012.


2021 Engaged Scholar Award. Faculty of Humanities. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø

2019 REACH Award for Excellence in Knowledge Mobilization. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø

2019 (Dániel Péter Biró, Helga Hallgrímsdóttir, Charlotte Schallié, and Helga Thorson)

Innovate German Award (German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD / Canadian Association for University Teachers of German – CAUTG)

2018 Award for Teaching Excellence. Faculty of Humanities. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø


Awards and Nominations for But I Live: Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust (New Jewish Press/University of Toronto Press, 2022):

  • Winner | 2023 Western Canada Jewish Book Award in the Kahn Family Foundation Prize for Holocaust category
  • Winner | 2023 PROSE Award for Biography/Autobiography. Awarded by the Association of American Publishers (AAP)
  • Winner | 2023 PROSE Award for Nonfiction Graphic Novels. Awarded by the Association of American Publishers (AAP)
  • Winner | 2022 LUCHS-Preis (Luchs-Prize) for young adult literature in the month of November. Awarded by Radio Bremen and Die Zeit
  • Winner | 2022 Canadian Jewish Literary Award | Category: Biography/Memoir
  • Honourable Mention | 2022 INDIES Book of the Year Awards | Category: Graphic Novels and Comics
  • 2022 Virginia Library Association Graphic Novel Diversity Award Overfloweth Title (Category: Youth)
  • Nominee | 2023 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards | Shortlisted for Best Realty-Based Work
  • Finalist | 2023 Excellence in Graphic Literature Finalist | Young Adult Award Finalist (Non-Fiction)
  • Nominee | 2023 | Vine Award for Jewish Literature | Young Adult/Children’s Category
  • Nominee | 2023 | JewCie Award for Diverse Representation | Jewish Comics Experience (JewCE) convention; Center for Jewish History in New York City