

Note: as of May 1, 2022 many of the History Programs requirements were changed. Please follow the Calendar of the year you were admitted in.

General and Minor

Program Requirements

Please note that, in addition to the program requirements, students must meet the Requirements common to all Bachelor's degrees in the Faculty of Humanities.

General and Minor Program Requirements


Program requirements

Please note that, in addition to the program requirements, students must meet the Requirements common to all Bachelor's degrees in the Faculty of Humanities.

Major Program Requirements


Program requirements

In the Honours Program, students have the opportunity to study history more intensively and independently. The Program should be especially useful for students contemplating graduate work in history or careers in teaching, journalism, law, library science or government service.

Admission to the Program normally requires a minimum overall GPA of 6.0 as well as a minimum of 6.0 in 6 units of History courses, of which at least 3 units should be at the 100 or 200 level.

Application for admission to the Honours Program can be made as early as the spring of second year. Applications as late as the summer after third year will also be considered.

Students are must demonstrate a reading knowledge of a language other than English by passing, with a minimum grade of C in each course, 3.0 units of language courses at the 200-level or higher (FRAN 120 is also acceptable), or by passing a translation examination administered by the Department of History.

An Honours degree requires a graduating GPA of at least 5.0 and a GPA of at least 5.0 in Honours courses (HSTR 496497 if taken, 499). Candidates whose performance is unsatisfactory may be required to transfer from the Honours Program to the Major Program. Continuation in the fourth year of the Program is conditional upon satisfactory performance in the third year.

Please note that, in addition to the program requirements, students must meet the Requirements common to all Bachelor's degrees in the Faculty of Humanities.

Honours Program Requirements.

Course structure

Introductory courses are at the 100 and 200 levels. The 100-level courses are global and thematic histories. The 200-level courses are surveys of national and regional histories.

Advanced courses are at the 300 and 400 level. The 300-level courses are lectures or lectures/discussion combinations. The 400-level courses are discussion seminars.

Students should complete introductory courses in a given area before taking advanced courses in the same area. History courses require substantial written and reading assignments.