
Awards and scholarships

The 番茄社区 awards scholarships (more than $3 million) and bursaries (over $3.9 million) each year. Scholarships and bursaries are non-repayable and can help offset the cost of your studies.

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Find available to all UVic students.

List of student essay prizes available to undergraduate and graduate students through external application.

The following awards require a letter of application to the department Chair by email to the Administrative Officer.

The Maureen Dobbin scholarship

  • A scholarship of $500 is awarded to the student in a Majors or Honours program in History who best combines academic excellence with contributions to the University and/or the community.
  • The deadline for letters of application* is May 30th. 

Sir Winston Churchill scholarship

  • This award is supported by the generosity of the Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island (CFVI). The Foundation aims to stimulate an appreciation of history and national and international affairs and to perpetuate the memory of the Right Honorable Sir Winston Spencer Churchill. To this end it has established a scholarship which is to be awarded annually to a 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student majoring in History or Political Science who best exemplifies the character and qualities of Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, with emphasis on leadership, courage, innovation, determination and magnanimity.
  • The deadline for letters of application* is May 30th.

Allan and Elizabeth McKinnon scholarship

  • A scholarship is awarded to a senior student of high academic standing engaged in a Major or Honours program in Canadian history who would find it difficult to resume studies without financial aid.
  • The deadline for letters of application* is May 30th.
  • For this award you must also fill out the In-Course Scholarship Application available through your UVic MyPage by May 31st.

*Letters of application should include a CV noting student achievements at UVic and in the community, as well as a cover letter summarizing the qualities that make you a good candidate for the scholarship.

Letters should be addressed to the Department Chair and sent by email to the Administrative Officer.