
How to Apply

Application for admission to the Honours Program can be made as early as the spring of your second year. Applications as late as the summer after third year will also be considered. The minimum requirement is an overall GPA of 6.0 (B+), although in practice, the program is competitive and admitted students often have GPAs of 7.0 (A-) or higher. Grades in History courses are weighted more heavily in the consideration than grades in other areas.

Are you ready to apply? If you are keenly interested in history, excel at research and writing, have taken at least 6.0 units of History courses and meet the minimum GPA requirement, contact the Honours Advisor, Dr. Jill Walshaw jwalshaw@uvic.ca and make an appointment for an interview to discuss your qualifications and the requirements of the program. The Advisor will review your transcript and any recommendations from current or past instructors in evaluating your candidacy.

Additional information about Honours Program requirements is available in the University Calendar.