
Networks and associations

student with laptop and think globally sticker


: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture and Social Justice (Canadian)  is a scholarly research journal devoted to critical and creative writing that reflects current scholarship in and approaches to the discipline of women's studies. It incorporates a diversity of feminist, anti-racist and critical identity, intersectional, and transnational approaches to a wide variety of contemporary issues, topics, and knowledges. Atlantis is dedicated to the ongoing growth of knowledge in the field of women's studies as well as to critical reflection on the field itself. 


The / l'Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (CRIAW/ICREF) is a research institute which provides tools to facilitate organizations taking action to advance social justice and equality for all women. CRIAW recognizes women’s diverse experiences and perspectives; creates spaces for developing women’s knowledge; bridges regional isolation; and provides communication links between/among researchers and organizations actively working to promote social justice and equality for all women.


The (NWAC) is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies. As a national organization representing Aboriginal women since 1974, NWAC’s mandate is to achieve equality for all Aboriginal women in Canada. NWAC is actively involved with partner organizations across the globe towards this goal, including the United Nations and Amnesty International to end the discrimination against Indigenous women.


The (GAATW) is an Alliance of 106 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North America. The GAATW Secretariat is based in Bangkok, Thailand and co-ordinates the activities of the Alliance, collects and disseeminates information, advocates on behalf of the Alliance at regional and international levels.


The (USA) has as one of its primary objectives promoting and supporting the production and dissemination of knowledge about women and gender through teaching, learning, research and service in academic and other settings.
The NWSA is committed to: illuminate the ways in which women’s studies are vital to education; to demonstrate the contributions of feminist scholarship that is comparative, global, intersectional and interdisciplinary to understandings of the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences; and to promote synergistic relationships between scholarship, teaching and civic engagement in understandings of culture and society.


The - WGSRF - (formerly the Canadian Women's Studies Association / l'association canadienne des études sur les femmes) was founded in 1982 as the Canadian-wide, bilingual, professional association of Women's and Gender Studies practitioners in Canada. It is composed largely of academic faculty across Canada, in addition to graduate and undergraduate students, community activists, and policy researchers -- but is open to everyone who supports its mission and goals. The WGSRF is a member association of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences/la fédération canadienne des sciences humaines.

The goals of the WGSRF are to promote and foster Women's and Gender Studies (under all its myriad names) as an academic field and to build a network of its practitioners across Canada, in both languages. The association encourages a wide definition of Women's and Gender Studies as a field of study and aims to aid those teaching and researching in the field in a variety of locations.