
Richard Van Camp: Storyteller-in-Residence


The Launch: (August 2024)

In collaboration with the First Peoples House, we will hold a ceremony to welcome Richard to the territory and seek blessing from a local Elder for the courses’ success. The date and time are TBD, but we will have food, drink, prayer, and community to kick things off on the right foot.

 The Undergrad and Public Courses: (September 2024-April 2025)

Richard Van Camp will start UVic’s inaugural Storyteller-in-Residence year by teaching two undergraduate courses, offered in parallel through DCS to the wider community. The courses are coded for English – ENSH255 and ENSH395 – but are open to all interested students regardless of discipline or field of study at UVic. The parallel options through DCS are offered at a reduced tuition rate of approximately $300. . 

The courses are twinned, under the larger topic of “Recovering Family Medicine through Story.” In the fall, modules are organized under the rubric of “Inhale.” The theme of “Inhale” comes in the fall as a time to gather in, collect, cozy up, and reflect on the stories that have made us who we are. It is about healing, consolidating, and pulling together. In the spring they are under the rubric of “Exhale.” The theme of “Exhale” defines the spring’s blossoming, blooming, and sending forth. It’s a time and theme of reaching out, exploring, venturing out into the world to repair and heal. Offered online, the courses will feature live sessions alternating each week with independent learning activities supported by Indigenous Teaching Assistants. Richard will feature guest speakers, storytellers, film-makers, and artists in addition to his own insights and stories.

The Writing Workshops: (September 2024-April 2025)

During the same months (Sept-April), Richard will deliver a series of one-on-one writing mentorship sessions with students from the UVic and En’owkin communities. At least half these sessions will be held for Indigenous participants.

The Graduate Course and Celebration: (July-August 2025)

In July-August 2025 Richard will deliver an in-person graduate seminar on-site. This course will coincide with the unofficial third part of the two undergraduate/DCS courses: “Celebrate.” We are planning an event that will feature give-aways, thanks-giving, recognition of contributions, and celebration of student achievement. If we are able, we hope to coordinate with Indigenous Studies and/or Indigenous Governance, Indigenous Law, IACE, CIRCLE, and First Peoples House to provide a feast for participants.