
FYI Faculty Forum

Upcoming sessions

Friday, October 28th, 2022

We are very excited to introduce our FYI event series for Winter/Spring 2022, Learning and Teaching Post-COVID: A Student and Faculty Discussion

The first FYI event of the year takes place Friday, October 28th, 2:30-4:30pm in the Clearihue building, room A225.


ESA students Zoe Nilson, Nicole Paletta, and Ella Reedman

Faculty members Corinne Bancroft, Jamie Dopp, Rebecca Halliday, Jentery Sayers

Discussion topic:

How are courses morphing with the development of COVID infrastructure *and* a return to campus? If we’re not returning to normal and COVID isn’t over even with the return to campus, then how would we describe the current state of pedagogy and its infrastructure? Panelists will kick off the discussion with brief comments and then the floor will be open to everyone. 

Please mark your calendars and bring your views!



Past Sessions

February 2, 2021

FYI- Feb 2


October 8, 2020


FYI Oct 2020

February 25th, 2020




November 19th, 2019


March 29th, 2019



March 1st, 2019



January 25th, 2019




November 30th, 2018




October 26th, 2018



October 12th, 2018



March 23rd, 2018

FYI March 23 2018

February 22nd, 2018


BC Curriculum Change Poster

January 26th, 2018



November 3rd, 2017

Teaching in the Trump Era

October 6th, 2017


FYI Oct. 2017

Friday, March 31st


FYI Mar 31/17

Thursday March 23rd special joint event with UVic's Linguistics Department

Colette Moore (University of Washington) will give a paper called “Incipient standardization in English: Variation, communities of practice, information design.”

FYI Mar 23 2017

February 24th, 2017


fyi feb 24 2017

February 3rd, 2017


FYI Poster Feb.3

Friday Nov 25th, 2016

Robert Miles will talk about "Conspiracy"

Caroline Winter will talk about "Gothic Economics and the Suspension of Disbelief"

FYI Nov25

 Contact englfyi@uvic.ca if you would like to present or have good ideas for themed sessions.

Friday Oct 28, 2016

2:30 (CLE C344)

Adèle Barclay

On The Critical, creative gap

Rachelle Ann Tan

It's a (Mis)match! What Tinder Taught Me About Swiping Right on Academia

FYO 10-28

Friday Sept 30, 2016

2:30 (CLE C344)

Christopher Douglas

American Literature and the Christian Right

Kim McLean-Fiander

Women's Early Modern Letters Online (WEMLO): Project and Pedagogy

FYI 09-30

Friday April 1, 2016

2:30 pm (CLE C344)

Tim Personn

Distance and Closeness: On Two Modes of Literary Fiction

Michael Lukas

Living with Wolves: Prospects for (and Barriers to) Responsive Multispecies Coexistence

FYI Forum

Friday, March 18th, 2016

4:30pm (Upper Lounge, Student Union Building)

Ali Blythe

Poetry reading and Q&A

Co-sponsors: Department of English, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø; Goose Lane Editions; Moving Trans History Forward 2016 Conference

Ali Blythe poetry reading

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

2:30pm (CLE A207)

"This Text Changed My Life"

Aaron El Sabrout

Yusuf Saadi

Samantha MacFarlane

Sean Henry

Monika Smith

Joel Hawkes

Erin Ellerbeck

This Text Changed My Life

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016

1:30pm (CLE C344)

Amy Tang

"Breath, Poiesis & Praxis"

Paul MacRae

"T. B. Macaulay and the Politics of Optimism"

FYI Poster 2016 01 26

Friday, Nov. 27, 2015

12:00pm (CLE C344)

Adrienne Williams Boyarin
Archive Stories: Finding Jewish Women in Medieval England

Kylee-Anne Hingston
Using Special Collections and WordPress in the Undergraduate Classroom

Friday, Oct. 30, 2015

2:30pm (CLE C344)

Paul MacRae

T.B. Macaulay and the Politics of Optimism

Laura Fanning

Pedagogy: Using a Writing Issues Log with Undergraduates


Friday, Sept. 25, 2015

2:30pm (CLE C344)

Stephen Ross

Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism & Linked Modernisms

Alex Christie

Pedagogy Toolkit in the Classroom


Friday, April 10, 2015

  • Matt Huculak: Modernist Periodicals and Canadian Biomass
  • Erin Kelly: Advanced Writing Concepts for Upper-Level Literature Students: An Interactive Workshop

Friday, March 6, 2015

  • Joey Takeda, Alyssa Currie, Alex Christie, Micaela Maftei, Heidi Darroch, and Iain Higgins:
  • Why Student English Now (Special Ideafest Pecha Kucha session)

Friday, February 20, 2015

  • Rebecca Gagan: Roadrunner Pedagogy or the "Open Secret" of Student Engagement
  • Nicole Shukin: Humanizing Animals


When does fyi take place and where do I attend?

fyi will usually be held on of the last Friday afternoon of the month, but please check our schedule for any changes.

fyi will usually be held in the English Department Library (CLE C 344). If numbers prove too large, we will move to a bigger room in the Clearihue Building.

Will there be anything to drink or eat?

fyi sessions include coffee, tea, and cookies!

How can I participate?

If you’re interested in presenting at an fyi session, contact us (Kim McLean-Fiander or Rebecca Gagan): englfyi@uvic.ca.

Is fyi on social media?

Follow fyi on


Please contact the founders of Forum for Your Ideas, Kim McLean-Fiander and Rebecca Gagan by .

Forum for Your Ideas (FYI) is a discussion series showcasing the interesting and innovative work happening—by students, sessionals, postdocs, and faculty—in the English Department.

The goal of FYI is to provide a relaxed, collaborative, and inclusive setting in which all department members can share ideas, discuss works in progress, offer workshops, and talk about both research and pedagogy. FYI aims to foster opportunities for all to benefit from the expertise and rich talents of our departmental community.

FYI sessions do not have a strict format, although they will typically consist of at least two different presenters on two different topics. One session might include a talk on pedagogy followed by a research-in-progress report. Another might consist of six presenters all addressing a single topic by way of Pecha Kucha presentations. Still another might offer a hands-on writing workshop in conjunction with a discussion of a book chapter draft. FYI is open to suggestions.

Forum for Your Ideas (FYI) was founded by Rebecca Gagan and Kim McLean-Fiander in Spring Term 2015.