
Transfer students

If you’re transferring here from another university or college, welcome to UVic! We hope your time here will be all you hope for, and we’ll do our best to help you get started.

Transfer credits: you should receive an email from UVic’s ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø office that details the credits that transfer from your other educational institution.  For more information, see the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø webpage.

UVic’s Academic Writing Requirement (AWR): you need to check that you've completed UVic's Academic Writing Requirement because not all English credits transfer as Academic Writing Requirement courses. Not sure? Check the AWR website or contact the AWR Advisor.

Some courses--our Professional Communication courses for example--ask you for grade and course prerequisites before you can register. Sometimes the registration system blocks your registration because it doesn't recognize specific credit courses you've transferred.  If you believe you meet the required prerequisites and you find your registration is blocked, please contact the relevant faculty advisors (see our list of advisors.) who can help solve the problem.

Our Advising Centre helps you plan your program, and helps you make sure you're meeting graduation requirements.

Have we mentioned our Honours Program? If you're passionate about English and you'd like to delve more deeply, you can find out more about our Honours Program.

Maybe you already know that UVic is one of Canada’s best co-op universities. But you may not know that as an English student you're eligible to apply for this great career-building program. Find out more about our UVic Co-op program.

Are you eligible for financial support (bursaries) or for work-study positions on campus?  UVic’s Student Awards and Financial Aid office can give you more information.

Get social with your new classmates through our English Student Association on